In this digital world there seems to be more "photographers" than ever. You go and buy a automatic camera that does all the thinking for you, isn't P for professional that's on my camera, and you look at the photos and they look "professional" in your mind and think you think I could be a "professional photographer". I could keep my day job and do this parttime. It doesn't matter that I don't have any experience, I don't know anything about lighting or posing but the pictures are pretty. I wouldn't need a business license or pay sales tax. Sounds like a winner to me! It doesn't matter that the customer is the one getting cheated. They won't be paying as much and maybe they're not that great but it's fun and I am a "professional"!
First of all let me say the "P" does not stand for professional but means program. I've posted photos of my studio below, I have a business license and I pay sales tax. I have studied with some of the best photography teachers in the World. I've studied lighting and posing. My camera is set to manual. I have years of experience and this is my job and hobby. I'm here when you need me, we don't have to work around my "day job".
I see photos that the part time "professionals" have made and my standard comment is that's "nice". I have these "professionals" stop by and they can't understand their cameras manual and ask me to show them how to work their camera, I'm very nice about it and show them, but in the back of my mind I know someone is not going to be happy with what they get.
Some of you may think this is not a professional statement, but you know maybe our idea of what a professional is different. I would like to thank everyone that helped make last year the best year ever and this year looking even better!
As Michael Jordan said " It ain't the shoes".