Saturday, June 27, 2009

Brett is growing up!

What a happy little boy. He makes my job

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Photo Restoration

If you have any old or damaged photos yearning for new life, you've come to the right place!Yes! Most images can be fully restored, and some can even be made better than original!
Bring them in and let us show you what can be done. Free estimates.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My neice Hannah

This is my neice Hannah Stroud. She got her looks from her Uncle Johnny.

Baby Steps

Check out our Baby Steps program. We will photograph your child at 3mos, 6mos, 9mos and 1 year. No minimum purchase and no contract to sign. You may choose black & white or color at no additional charge. We are now adding at no additional charge a newborn session. The total cost is $109!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Some of Cathy's work

I'm sure most of you know my wife designs and decorates home interiors. Here are some photos of a house she just finished. She did every room.
You can contact her at Galleria 285-5011 or her cell phone 445-8399.

New-Desk Mates

We've just added Desk Mates. They're 5x10 composites that can be framed or placed on a easel. Choose your favorite 3 images.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Portrait updates

Ahh, summertime!
I hope you're enjoying the season and are having fun making wonderful family memories.
We're busy creating beautiful portraits for our clients.
In the next few months we will be telling you about some of our special theme photography sessions that will be offered at special prices.
This is a great time to start thinking about that family portrait you've been putting off. We offer appointment times after normal hours and on the weekend. Not everyone is available 9 to 5 to get together.
Senior portraits-it's time! Call now!

Sports Orthopedics & Spine

Next time you're on Vann Drive in Jackson look up in the sky, I had the privilege of doing the photograph for their billboard.

Amber and Riley got married!

Beautiful wedding! Super couple.
And I loved seeing our family.

Friday, June 19, 2009

We also offer panel mats and frames

We offer a wide selection of frames and mat combinations.

Come in and check our pricing and options. We can show you how your selections will look on our computer.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Finley White 2010 Senior

It's hard for me to believe that Finley's a upcoming senior. What a beautiful young lady.

Avery Hicks

Avery Hicks, a sweet heart. I told her just one more.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Time to start having Senior Pictures taken!

Call now to book your sitting. We offer indoor and outdoor poses with different clothing changes. You only need you annual poses taken by the school photographer. For your personal photos you can go anywhere you choose.

A couple of MO little beauties

First is Lindsey Ford from Portageville. Lindsey will be going into the 8th grade this year. She has won 7 out of 8 pageants she entered.

Next is Kelsey Kingston from Caruthersville. She's been winning pageants just about all her life and you can see why.

Looking for Senior Reps

We are looking for Senior Reps for the following schools: Dyer Co., Halls, Crockett Co and Caruthersville, Mo. For more info please call 445-8398 or email:

Anna Claire our new DHS Senior Rep

We are happy to have Anna Claire Bradshaw as our Dyersburg High senior rep.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Jodie and AC's wedding

What a great couple! This was my first time at this church and I loved it!